Camino de migas

Camino de migas

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Guía de Práctica Clínica sobre prevención secundaria de ictus. Actualización
Lower esophageal sphincter devices for laparoscopic surgery in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
His-bundle-pacing for patients requiring a permanent pacemaker or cardiac resynchronisation
Sistemas portátiles de hemodiálisis domiciliaria
Hepatic and portal vein embolisation prior to major hepatectomy
Subcutaneous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (S-ICD)
Upper airway stimulation for moderate-to-severe sleep apnea
Molecular tests for detection of PIK3CA mutations in men and postmenopausal women with HR+/HER2–, locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer
Defining the optimum strategy for identifying adults and children with coeliac disease: systematic review and economic modelling
La rééducation périnéale et pelvienne pour la prévention et le traitement des dysfonctions du plancher pelvien
ATMPs and Gene Therapies in Development
Allogenic bone screw Shark Screw® in patients with hallux valgus or scaphoid fractures/pseudarthroses
Dispositivo para monitorización continua de la glucosa en tiempo real para la diabetes gestacional
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy for the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions
Prognostic biomarkers to identify patients likely to develop severe Crohn’s disease
Dispositivos percutáneos temporales de asistencia circulatoria mecánica para el tratamiento y prevención del shock cardiogénico: análisis de eficacia, efectividad y seguridad
Point-of-care ultrasound to diagnose gallstone disease
Marcadores moleculares para la detección de cáncer de próstata significativo
Robotics and functional electrical stimulation for stroke rehabilitation
Oscillating positive expiratory pressure devices for airway clearance in chronic hypersecretory lung conditions